Friday, June 29, 2007

Fair Game

U.S. Declares Bald Eagles No Longer Threatened.

Looks like I'll have to dust off my trusty 2100 classic BB gun next time I make a trip to the park to track down that elusive eagle. Since they are no longer consider endangered I am taking that to mean it is alright to hunt them. Nothing steps up your 4th of July cook out like some roasted bald eagle.

Full Story

Thursday, June 28, 2007

What's Happening. (Weekend of 06/29)

I won't be around this weekend since I am trying out that new vacationing trend that been going around 24 Hour Trips but there are still several good events going down.

Cleveland Wine Festival - 6/29 -4p - 10p - 6/30 - 2P -10P - Voinovich Park (Near the Rock Hall)
A portion of the festival’s proceeds will benefit the Bright Side of the Road Foundation. The non-profit organization was founded by Clevelander Barry Winovich to help find a cure for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), the devastating disease commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s disease.

More Wine Fest Info

Howl At the Moon Wine Tasting - 6/30 - Colonial Beverage - Damn more wine but this one has all you can eat food.

This Saturday evening, taste over 25 wines, listen to live music and check out Chef Robert's hot and cold culinary delights during this all you can eat event. Cost is Only $20

Colonial Beverage
8389 Mayfield Road
Chesterland, Ohio 44026

Cleveland Indians - The tribe is home all weekend and the weather is going to be perfect. I suggest buying the cheapest tickets you can and hang out at the Batter's Eye in center field. It is the bar in the picture and it is a blast during games. I'll be attending Sunday's game.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Grand Prix Recap

The Grand Prix was awesome as always but this year it rocked even more thanks to Blur reader and tipster Brian. He was kind enough to hook me up with great seats and some pit passes. Watching from the pit was great, I was able to get within a few feet of the track.

It was a great day filled with great racing and cold beer. If you did not take my advise and skipped the race you really missed out. Check out the photos and video for a small sample of what you missed. Excuse the quality of the video, it is from my cell phone.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

What's Happening. (Weekend of 06/22)

BBBBQ -6/23 - 4:30P - ? - The beer bash barbeque is this Saturday and everyone is invited for free food, beer and fun. I am not going to reveal the location but if you can figure it out from the photo, good show.

Cleveland Grand Prix - 6/22-6/24 - Hours vary - Open wheel racing screams into Cleveland this weekend.

If you are NASCAR fan don't bother showing up for this race. The cars move much too quickly for you and the races are not fixed.

However if you enjoy fast cars, exciting racing and cold beer this is the event for you.
I went to this race the first time about 10 years ago and I was blown away by the speed of these cars. When they go around turns it looks fake, think of K.I.T.T. turning a corner in turbo pursuit mode and you'll know what I am talking about.

The weather is going to perfect all weekend so get your ass down to the race, track me down and buy me a beer.

Race Info

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Damn Interesting

The headline says it all. I was pointed to this this site a couple weeks ago and I am pissed I did not click through sooner.

I have not done any work in the last two days but it has been well worth it.

Warning if you like your job do not follow this link you will not be working for days.


Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Hostages in Paris

PARIS (AP) — Two armed robbers were holding at least six hostages in a bank robbery south of Paris on Tuesday morning, police and news reports said.

Police said the hold up was at a branch of the Credit Lyonnais bank at Rungis. Television networks said the alert was raised by an employee who managed to escape.

The robbers then made their way to the top of the Eiffel Tower and are said to have wired one of the elevators with a large amount of explosives.

Officials are attempting to contact Superman so he can fling the elevator into space where it can be safely detonated.

Via USA Today

Friday, June 15, 2007

Burried Alive

The citizens of Tulsa, back in 1957, buried a new white and gold Plymouth Belvedere in a nuke-proof concrete vault along with some Tulsa town records and a stash of oil and gasoline. The vault also contains a pack of gum, some cigarettes, a bottle of tranquilizers, and a case of Schlitz beer. It’s been nearly 50 years to the day, and the car is about to be quite literally unearthed.

Check out the link for the full story. Looking at the picture the bunker does not appear to be water proof let alone nuke proof.
Via OhGizmo!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Piss Off Your Neighbors

Do you have the kind of neighbors that crapify their landscaping with statues of flamingos, trolls, and deer? If so then this is the product for you.

This is a full size replica of a Camarasaurus. This thing is 19' tall, 55' long and tips the scales at 3000 lbs. (assuming my conversions are correct, damned metric system).

The price for all of this prehistoric goodness is only $55,221.58. Only problem is the this is offered by a UK retailer so I imagine shipping cost will be a bastard.

Via Oh Gizmo!
Product Page

Monday, June 11, 2007

Taking to the Sky.

I was planning to take a boat over to Alcatraz on my first 24 hour trip but then I stumbled on to this page.

As you can see from the picture this nut, John Ninomiya, ties himself to a bunch of helium balloon and launches himself into the air.

I would totally like to try this but I am sure it would take a ton of balloons to get my fat ass off the ground.

Friday, June 8, 2007

First Trip - Locked In

My first 24 hour trip is scheduled. I am really squeezing this one in under the wire for the 24 hours stipulation. I land at 11:02P Friday and takeoff at 11:00P Saturday giving me 2 minutes to spare.

I am not going to get a hotel room, I figure I can just bounce around until 9A when my tour starts. I may however rent a car since I can get a crappy one for $30 it will probably be cheaper than cabbing it.

Crazy Brits

Richard Wilson, an absolutely mental artist, has come up with brilliant piece of of "art". Oh and by brilliant I mean total crap.

This dude cut a slice out of a building and stuck a motor on it to make it rotate. The best part is it only cost a million dollars, not counting the increased heating/cooling cost and the cost of the exterminator to get all of the bugs and birds out once the show is over.

Check out the video below. Once you see it in action you might find some meaning in the piece. I know I did it says "Richard Wilson is a bloody buffoon".

Thursday, June 7, 2007

What's Happening. (Weekend of 06/08)

Zippity Zoo Doo - 6/8 - 6P - Yet another zoo event, if you have not noticed by now I like the zoo. This one is pricey and I have never been to it so I don't know if it rocks or not. Tickets run $200 per person so I think I am going to skip it this year. If someone does attend let me know how it is.

Zoo Support - This is not a official event but the weekend weather is supposed to be awesome so get out and walk around the zoo. I'll be there Saturday for sure and I recommend buying a season pass. It only cost $50 and it gets you and a guest in free for a year.

Cavs Finals - The retarded NBA scheduled all of the games with a 9P tip off and none of the games are on a weekend night (Friday/Saturday). There is a game this Sunday 6/10 @ 9P, bullshit.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Cavs Win!

In case you have not heard the Cavs are advancing to the NBA Finals.

I would like to thank them for a great season and giving me a good reason to party my ass off for at least 4 more games.

iPhone Unboxing and Hands On Review!

Coming soon, hopefully.

I emailed Steve Jobs and asked him if he would send me out an iPhone so I could do a full write up on it. I sent the email yesterday and I am kind of surprised he did not overnight one to me. I am thinking I should have it in the next few days.

Stay tuned.

New Feature! 24 HourTrips.

Starting this month I'll be taking one trip per month to tourist/fun locations around the country (United States only for now, at least until my passport comes in). The thing that will be different about my trips is that, in the spirit of Jack Bauer, I will spend no more than 24 hours at the location of the month.

I figured this would be a good way to check out popular sites without all the fuss of taking time off work, booking hotels, packing bags, renting cars (I should be able to cab it most of the time) and finding restaurants. Plus I am not the kind of guy that needs to stare at something for hours but I would like to see it in person and snap a few pictures.

My first trip will be to Alcatraz. I may be heading out as soon as this Saturday 6/9. I found a flight that gets me to San Fransisco @ 10A and a return flight that leaves @ 11P. I also found a website that will let me book the Alcatraz tour and a 1 hour bay boat tour. I should also have time to stop at the In N Out burger near Jones Street. I know it is on Jefferson St., I said "NEAR Jones St."

Of course I will post my experiences and pictures of the trips and probably let you know if it was worth it. I already have several trip ideas in mind but post your suggestions in the comments.