What's Happening. (Weekend of 06/08)
Zippity Zoo Doo - 6/8 - 6P - Yet another zoo event, if you have not noticed by now I like the zoo. This one is pricey and I have never been to it so I don't know if it rocks or not. Tickets run $200 per person so I think I am going to skip it this year. If someone does attend let me know how it is.
Zoo Support - This is not a official event but the weekend weather is supposed to be awesome so get out and walk around the zoo. I'll be there Saturday for sure and I recommend buying a season pass. It only cost $50 and it gets you and a guest in free for a year.Cavs Finals - The retarded NBA scheduled all of the games with a 9P tip off and none of the games are on a weekend night (Friday/Saturday). There is a game this Sunday 6/10 @ 9P, bullshit.
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