Thursday, August 23, 2007

24 Hour Trip: It Has Ben Awhile But This One Will Be Big

As you may have noticed I did not take a 24 hour trip this month. I did not take one becuase I wanted to save some funds and make September's trip even better. I think I did and hopefully you will agree.

September's 24 hour trip will be to London! And I am not talking about London, ON, Canada, no I will be traveling to the real London, UK.

I am scheduled to leave Sept. 21st and I arrive in London Sept. 22nd at 7:50 A local time. Now unfortunately I will not be leaving until 11:20 A on the 23rd putting me on the ground for 27.5 hours but due to the scope of the trip I think I can have some leeway. This gets me back to Cleveland at 3P EST which works out perfectly because the Browns are playing the Raiders at 4P and since that will be the only game they have a shot at winning this year I'll be able to watch it.

As of now the only things on my to do list are hitting Ricky Gervais's stand up show Saturday night and testing out their Coke. So leave me suggestions in the comments on what I should check out.


Anonymous said...

excellent stuff. you have to hit up the hard rock, as it is the original. the imperial war museum is awesome, you'll want to stay 27.5 hours there alone. the cabinet war rooms are really cool, that is doable in a couple of hours. piccadilly circus is a must, but you'll probably hit that by default.

Ron Mexico said...

You are an ass. you could not think of a more stupid trip. hey, next trip, why don't you go to some crap hole like France. I also do not agree with your violation of the 24 hr. rule, especially when you don't even have an itinerary. As for Mr. Fawkes, why would anyone want to see a room of old cabinets and a British circus? Terrible waste of time and money.

Anonymous said...

The one thing you must do is:

Anonymous said...

take it in the bum!